CompGeo Salary Survey Benchmark Job Summary and Competencies

Plating and Coating Mach Setters Operators Metal and Plastic

The Benchmark Job Description below represents the specific Position Characteristics of the job used in the Salary Survey. Benchmark Job Descriptions should be inspected carefully to review the degree of matching between an organizations' Job and the Salary Survey Benchmark. Matching internal Jobs to Salary Survey Benchmark Jobs should not be done on Job Title alone. A thorough comparison of Salary Survey Benchmark to Internal Job Descriptions is recommended. A good overlap should exist on any comparisons used on critical Job Dimensions and Competencies.
CompGeo Occupation Group: Manufacturing
Job Family: Manufacturing
Benchmark Title: Plating and Coating Mach Setters Operators Metal and Plastic
Summary Job Description Tasks
Set up, operate, or tend plating or coating machines to coat metal or plastic products with chromium, zinc, copper, cadmium, nickel, or other metal to protect or decorate surfaces. Includes electrolytic processes. Inspect coated or plated areas for defects such as air bubbles or uneven coverage.
Immerse objects to be coated or plated into cleaning solutions, or spray objects with conductive solutions to prepare them for plating.
Immerse workpieces in coating solutions or liquid metal or plastic for specified times.
Set up, operate, or tend plating or coating machines to coat metal or plastic products with chromium, zinc, copper, cadmium, nickel, or other metal to protect or decorate surfaces.
Position and feed materials into processing machines, by hand or by using automated equipment.
Test machinery to ensure that it is operating properly.
Operate hoists to place workpieces onto machine feed carriages or spindles.
Maintain production records.
Adjust controls to set temperatures of coating substances and speeds of machines and equipment.
Remove objects from solutions at periodic intervals and observe objects to verify conformance to specifications.
Observe gauges to ensure that machines are operating properly; make adjustments or stop machines when problems occur.
Position containers to receive parts, and load or unload materials in containers, using dollies or handtrucks.
Perform equipment maintenance such as cleaning tanks and lubricating moving parts of conveyors.
Clean and maintain equipment, using water hoses and scrapers.
Determine sizes and compositions of objects to be plated, and amounts of electrical current and time required.
Suspend sticks or pieces of plating metal from anodes (positive terminals) and immerse metal in plating solutions.
Monitor and measure thicknesses of electroplating on component parts in order to verify conformance to specifications, using micrometers.
Adjust dials to regulate flow of current and voltage supplied to terminals in order to control plating processes.
Rinse coated objects in cleansing liquids; then dry them with cloths, centrifugal driers, or by tumbling in sawdust-filled barrels.
Examine completed objects to determine thicknesses of metal deposits, or measure thicknesses by using instruments such as micrometers.
Measure or weigh materials, using rulers, calculators, and scales.
Suspend objects such as parts or molds from cathode rods (negative terminals), and immerse objects in plating solutions.
Measure, mark, and mask areas to be excluded from plating.
Mix and test solutions, and turn valves to fill tanks with solutions.
Place plated or coated materials on racks and transfer them to ovens to dry for specified periods of time.
Plate small objects such as nuts or bolts, using motor-driven barrels.
Read production schedules to determine setups of equipment and machines.
Spray coating in specified patterns according to instructions.
Position objects to be plated in frames, or suspend them from positive or negative terminals of power supplies.
Measure and set stops, rolls, brushes, and guides on automatic feeders and conveying equipment or coating machines, using micrometers, rules, and hand tools.
Preheat workpieces in ovens.
Replace worn parts and adjust equipment components, using hand tools.
Attach nozzles, position guns, connect hoses, and thread wire in order to set up metal-spraying machines.
Remove excess materials or impurities from objects, using air hoses or grinding machines.
Clean workpieces, using wire brushes.
Install gears and holding devices on conveyor equipment.
Operate sandblasting equipment to roughen and clean surfaces of workpieces.
Cut metal or other materials, using shears or band saws.
Charge furnaces.
CompGeo Occupation Group: Manufacturing
Job Family: Manufacturing
Benchmark Title: Plating and Coating Mach Setters Operators Metal and Plastic
Important Knowledge Competencies Competency Description
Production and Processing Knowledge of raw materials, production processes, quality control, costs, and other techniques for maximizing the effective manufacture and distribution of goods.
Public Safety and Security Knowledge of relevant equipment, policies, procedures, and strategies to promote effective local, state, or national security operations for the protection of people, data, property, and institutions.
Mathematics Knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and their applications.
Administration and Management Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.
Chemistry Knowledge of the chemical composition, structure, and properties of substances and of the chemical processes and transformations that they undergo. This includes uses of chemicals and their interactions, danger signs, production techniques, and disposal methods.
Education and Training Knowledge of principles and methods for curriculum and training design, teaching and instruction for individuals and groups, and the measurement of training effects.
Mechanical Knowledge of machines and tools, including their designs, uses, repair, and maintenance.
CompGeo Occupation Group: Manufacturing
Job Family: Manufacturing
Benchmark Title: Plating and Coating Mach Setters Operators Metal and Plastic
Important Skill Competencies Competency Description
Operation Monitoring Watching gauges, dials, or other indicators to make sure a machine is working properly.
Monitoring Monitoring/Assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action.
Speaking Talking to others to convey information effectively.
Critical Thinking Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.
Judgment and Decision Making Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one.
Active Listening Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.
Coordination Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions.
Operation and Control Controlling operations of equipment or systems.
Quality Control Analysis Conducting tests and inspections of products, services, or processes to evaluate quality or performance.
Time Management Managing one's own time and the time of others.
CompGeo Occupation Group: Manufacturing
Job Family: Manufacturing
Benchmark Title: Plating and Coating Mach Setters Operators Metal and Plastic
Important Ability Competencies Competency Description
Oral Comprehension The ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences.
Manual Dexterity The ability to quickly move your hand, your hand together with your arm, or your two hands to grasp, manipulate, or assemble objects.
Near Vision The ability to see details at close range (within a few feet of the observer).
Oral Expression The ability to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand.
Arm-Hand Steadiness The ability to keep your hand and arm steady while moving your arm or while holding your arm and hand in one position.
Control Precision The ability to quickly and repeatedly adjust the controls of a machine or a vehicle to exact positions.
Multilimb Coordination The ability to coordinate two or more limbs (for example, two arms, two legs, or one leg and one arm) while sitting, standing, or lying down. It does not involve performing the activities while the whole body is in motion.
Finger Dexterity The ability to make precisely coordinated movements of the fingers of one or both hands to grasp, manipulate, or assemble very small objects.
Problem Sensitivity The ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem.
Deductive Reasoning The ability to apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense.
Inductive Reasoning The ability to combine pieces of information to form general rules or conclusions (includes finding a relationship among seemingly unrelated events).
Selective Attention The ability to concentrate on a task over a period of time without being distracted.
Static Strength The ability to exert maximum muscle force to lift, push, pull, or carry objects.
Trunk Strength The ability to use your abdominal and lower back muscles to support part of the body repeatedly or continuously over time without 'giving out' or fatiguing.
Speech Clarity The ability to speak clearly so others can understand you.
Written Expression The ability to communicate information and ideas in writing so others will understand.
Auditory Attention The ability to focus on a single source of sound in the presence of other distracting sounds.
Speech Recognition The ability to identify and understand the speech of another person.
Information Ordering The ability to arrange things or actions in a certain order or pattern according to a specific rule or set of rules (e.g., patterns of numbers, letters, words, pictures, mathematical operations).
CompGeo Occupation Group: Manufacturing
Job Family: Manufacturing
Benchmark Title: Plating and Coating Mach Setters Operators Metal and Plastic
Prerequisite Qualification Category Education and Experience Level
Required Level of Education High School Diploma (or GED or High School Equivalence Certificate)
Related Work Experience None
On-Site or In-Plant Training None
CompGeo Occupation Group: Manufacturing
Job Family: Manufacturing
Benchmark Title: Plating and Coating Mach Setters Operators Metal and Plastic
Alternate Job Title(s)
Alodize Machine Operator
Anode Machine Operator
Anodic Operator
Anodic Treater
Anodize Machine Operator
Anodizing Line Operator
Apprentice, Plater, Metal
Automatic Metal Spraying Machine Operator
Barrel Plater
Black Oxide Coating Equipment Tender
Bronze Plater
Browning Processor
Bullet Lubricating Machine Operator
Carbon Paper Coating Machine Setter
Ceramic Coater
Chrome Plater
Chrome Worker
Chromium Plater
Coater Associate
Coater Operator
Coating and Baking Operator
Copper Plater
Corrosion Prevention Metal Sprayer
Electric Plater
Electro Plater
Electrogalvanizing Machine Operator
Electroless Plater
Electrolytic Plating/Coating Machine Operator/Tender
Electrolytic Plating/Coating Machine Setter/Set-Up Operator
Galvanizing Pot Runner
Gettering Filament Machine Operator
Gold Plater
Hard Chrome Plater
Hoist Operator
Hot Dip Galvanizer
Hot Dip Plater
Impregnation Operator
Jewelry Coater
Lacquer Dipping Machine Operator
Line Operator
Lock Plater
Lubricating Machine Tender
Machine Ceramic Coater
Machine Operator
Manufacturing Assistant
Manufacturing Associate
Manufacturing Operator
Matrix Bath Attendant
Matrix Bath Operator
Matrix Plater
Matrix Worker
Metal Coater
Metal Coater Operator
Metal Plater
Metal Sprayer
Metal Spraying Machine Operator
Metal Wire Coating Operator
Metal and Plastic Nonelectrolytic Plating and Coating Machine Operator/Tender
Metalizing Machine Operator
Nail Cell Technician
Nail Galvanizer
Nail Machine Operator
Nickel Plater
Non-Nickel Plater
Nonelectrolytic Plating and Coating Machine Setter/Set-Up Operator, Metal and Plastic
Oxidized Finish Plater
Pasting Machine Operator
Plastics Plater
Plastics Spreading Machine Operator
Plate Former
Plater Apprentice
Plating Equipment Operator
Plating Equipment Tender
Plating Machine Operator
Plating Tank Operator
Primer Waterproofing Machine Operator
Printed Circuit Board Panels Electroless Plater
Printed Circuit Board Panels Plater
Printed Circuit Boards Solder-Leveler
Production Plater
Racker / Unracker
Semiconductor Wafers and Components Plater
Shell Plater
Silver Plater
Silver Spray Worker
Silvering Applicator
Spray Machine Tender
Sprayer Operator
Tank Person
Tin Plater
Tin Pot Operator
Tinning Equipment Tender
Tube Coater
Vacuum Applicator Operator
Vacuum Metalizer Operator
Welding Rod Coater
Zinc Plater
Zinc Plating Machine Operator
CompGeo Occupation Group: Manufacturing
Job Family: Manufacturing
Benchmark Title: Plating and Coating Mach Setters Operators Metal and Plastic
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